Use notes to collaborate with hiring managers
< 1 minute | Posted 20 May, 2022

Most managers are strapped for time and can’t afford to get bogged down in the details of the recruitment process. What they usually need is oversight, insight, and a supportive team to take the next steps. :Recruit Essentials fosters collaboration between hiring managers and other users through features like “Suitability Comments”.

Gain insight with suitability comments and notes

Beneath every application for every job is a section for Suitability Comments. Here, users can leave notes to give their hiring managers instant insight into an applicant’s suitability and status. Armed with this snapshot of each candidate, your hiring manager can make faster, well-informed decisions.

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Login to :Recruit Essentials. In the left-hand navigation panel, select “Jobs”. Go to the relevant vacancy on file, and select the relevant candidate. When viewing their application, scroll down to the section labelled “Suitability Comments”. Here, you can add comments on the candidate to give your hiring manager(s) a heads up about key qualifications, experience, culture fit, or concerns.
Below, you can see that our team members signed off each addition to the comment section with their initial so that the hiring manager has an idea of who made each comment.
Suitability comments allow you to leave notes for hiring managers in :Recruit Essentials

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