Casey House

Casey House, a specialty hospital providing inpatient and outpatient care, faced significant recruitment challenges. These included competing in a vast labour market to attract and secure top talent, and managing the coordination of all parties involved in the hiring process, which led to inefficiencies and communication breakdowns. For 4 years, Casey House has partnered with Scout Talent to address these challenges using our Applicant Tracking System and Recruitment CRM (:Recruit), our onboarding module :Onboard, as well as tapping into our Recruitment Campaign Services when needed. With access to both recruitment technology and specialized recruitment marketing, Casey House effectively advertised its job openings, captured qualified candidates, and consolidated all communications in one place, ensuring a seamless connection from application to offer. Additionally, :Recruit simplified candidate management, enabling efficient and effective hiring practices.


Since the company started in 1948, Taymor has built a reputation for its superior quality products. As the organization grew, manual recruitment process hindered their ability to attract and recruit at a pace that matched their growth.

Taymor signed on as Scout Talent software users in 2021, and have become regular users of Scout Talent’s recruitment services too. Watch now to discover what changed at Taymor when they started leaning on Scout Talent.



The Humberview Group

Since purchasing their first dealership way back in 1962, The Humberview Group has grown to be one of the largest automotive dealer groups in Canada.

Today, they proudly offer 20 Stores – 17 Brands – 5000 Vehicles – 1 Promise: ‘Serving you better, each and every day’. They put people first so naturally, they were the perfect fit to work with Scout Talent

Watch our video to see how Scout Talent helped to transform Humberview’s manual and overwhelming recruitment process into a streamlined and effective way for them to make their top hires, fast.

La Rocca Creative Cakes

“What we enjoy most about Scout is their customer service, their marketing team and their recruiters are great with communicating with our hiring team. They are in constant communication getting to know us and getting to know the team and really trying to find what type of candidate we’re looking for.” Jasmine Manalo – HR Manager.

The Phoenix Society

When The Phoenix Society was not getting the quality of applicants that they needed to find a Registered Nurse, they began to think that they would never be able find one.

Watch this video to find out how Scout Talent were able to change all that and help The Phoenix society to find a Registered Nurse who would go on to make a huge difference in the local community.