Link non-users to applications via email
< 1 minute | Posted 11 March, 2022

If you report to a team member who doesn’t have access to :Recruit Essentials, you’ll be pleased to know that this won’t stand in the way of timely feedback. Reduced double handling and pesky resume downloads by simply sending your non-user a link to the applications in question. They can go on to view these applications right from their inbox without being asked to log in or have their user profile set up.

How to link non-users to applications

With :Recruit Essentials, you can loop non-users into the recruitment process with the click of a button. The Bulk External Email function enables you to send your top applications to your team member’s inbox from within :Recruit – no mess or fuss.


Login to :Recruit Essentials. In the left-hand navigation panel, select “Jobs” then click through to the job you want to set up. Switch from the “Job” tab to the “Applications” tab, as indicated by Label 1 below. Then, refer to Label 2 below to find the option that suits your purpose: email candidates, email candidates by status, change status in bulk, and so on.
Essentials bulk candidate communications