Monthly Marketplace Update – November
2 minutes | Posted 18 November, 2020

The Scout Talent Marketplace is a broad range of service and software integrations that extend Scout Talent’s functionality and complement user activity. Making our users’ jobs easier allows them to focus on hiring the best talent!

This month, we’re so excited to welcome the following partners to our Marketplace:

DSR Branding

We work with businesses who want to attract, engage and retain great employees and customers. By combining intelligent brand strategy with award-winning design, we help our clients make their brand remarkable.

Cake Equity

We help you build your investor list, raise capital and issue options. It’s a piece of cake.

The Oranges Toolkit

The Oranges Toolkit builds mental and emotional agility through seriously refreshing workplace wellbeing and resilience training programs. We partner with organisations that recognise that investing in effective employee wellbeing programs makes good business sense. When employees feel at their best, they are more engaged, productive and collaborative. As Camp Quality’s social enterprise, 100% of our profits go towards supporting kids facing cancer in Australia.


ShaeWellness30 is a fully automated DNA and AI-driven wellness program, scientifically proven to help your employees improve their unique health outcomes, create new healthy habits, and look and feel better in just 30 days. This SW30 is the lead in product for the ShaeWellness full-stack health and wellness platform. The SW30 creates a fun, educational, and engaging wellness experience for each individual and the entire workplace from Day 1. Perfect for a workplace health initiative, team building challenge, or inspiring cultural transformation catalyst focusing on the individual, to strengthen your team. Build resiliency, immunity, and community in only 30 days! 

Recsite Design

We design and build recruitment websites that simply do the job. Our websites make connections, increase conversions and essentially pay for themselves.

The Culture Doctor

The Culture Doctor® benchmarks organisational cultures using its SaaS product – Cultural Health Check®.
Being part of the Scout Talent Marketplace allows your product to be shared with our expanding database of more than 5000+ monthly users (internal recruitment teams, HR Managers, hiring managers and business leaders). You’ll also receive a dedicated development team who will ensure a seamless integration and your brand will be represented by our team of professional recruitment specialists. 
Ready to join the Marketplace? Click here to apply!