Organize tasks to collaborate with your team
< 1 minute | Posted 20 May, 2022

Whether your team is lean, asynchronous, remote, or simply strapped for time, there is a quick and easy way to make sure that each part of your recruitment workflow is taken care of. Tasks are a great way to assign and track actions towards your talent acquisition goals. At any time, you can see which tasks are assigned to which team members in :Recruit Essentials and adapt your priorities accordingly.

Create, assign, and organize tasks with :Recruit Essentials

You can use :Recruit Essentials to create and manage tasks across your team and drive strategic growth for your organization through an efficient talent acquisition process.

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Login to :Recruit Essentials. In the left-hand navigation panel, make sure you are clicked into your “Dashboard”. Then, click on the “Tasks” option in the main panel. You’ll see a button prompting you to “Create Task”. Include a description for your new task, assign it to a team member and job number, then set a priority level and due date and save your changes.

Below the “Create Task” you’ll start to see what your tasks look like once you’ve published them! At a glance, you can see what stage your various recruitment tasks are at and track progress towards your goals.

Create, assign, and organise tasks with :Recruit Essentials

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