New visual reporting functionality in Scout Talent :Recruit 
3 minutes | Posted 18 February, 2021

You may have noticed some changes in Scout Talent :Recruit! Your system now features new visual reporting functionality to help you make faster, smarter recruitment decisions. Here’s all the information you need to know about this update.  

How will this update meet your needs? 

Up until this point, you’ve been able to pull raw data in a .csv file and manipulate it into your preferred format. You’ll still be able to do so, as we know this is important to many of you. 
This new reporting functionality will allow you to use easy in-app reporting features to view and drill down into key talent acquisition metrics to optimise talent acquisition performance. This, in turn, simplifies your ability to make informed decisions about where to spend your valuable recruiting time, money and energy. 
Encourage your team members to utilise the status change functionality in the system, so you’re able to get the most out of these reports!

The 3 new visual reports

Each of the reports are interactive, allowing you to filter the data by date, user, and other key criteria.
1. Activity Report
The first report focuses on recruiter activity, helping you identify your team members’ actions and how they’re progressing with candidates through different stages of your recruitment process.
Scout Talent dashboard 1
2. Application Sources 
This second report, tracks your top-performing sourcing channels – where candidates and the people you hire apply for your job opportunities. This allows you to assess your overall application activity across multiple jobs or entities, and see where candidates have applied. 
Scout Talent dashboard 2
One of the great things about this report is that you can view your top-performing attraction channels in terms of application volume and placements. This allows you to make more informed decisions about where to spend your valuable recruitment marketing dollars, experiment with alternative channels, and measure and compare outcomes.
3. Time to hire 
Gain better oversight of your time to hire to identify gaps and improve efficiencies. How quickly does your organisation respond to candidates? Where are the blockages? This report acts as a timeline of recruitment activity, and can be filtered by job title, allowing you to gain deeper insight into the roles you recruit for and the stages of each recruitment process. 
This report will give you the most value by allowing you to determine any gaps or areas for improvement in your recruitment process. Increase efficiency and track current or recent process improvement initiatives, so you don’t lose out on top talent.

Training materials 

Of course, there is plenty of training and support documentation available to help you get the most out of these new features. 
In-app training resources are available in :Recruit, and you can also access detailed online training resources in our Training Resource Centre. Use these resources to familiarise yourself with how the reports work and discover how they’ll help you achieve your recruitment goals.
Download the training guide 

What’s in store for the future?  

These three reports are just the beginning! We’re committed to growing our solution alongside you, our wonderful clients, with a future pipeline of reporting functions to support you in optimising your talent acquisition function.  
If you have any questions about the enhanced reporting capabilities in Scout Talent :Recruit, contact your Scout Talent Account Manager on 1300 366 573 or at