Revolutionary Tech for Expert Humans – On Demand
2 minutes | Posted 19 September, 2023

We get it. The words ‘Artificial Intelligence’ might be daunting. But let us reassure you: AI won’t replace you. Instead, it will empower you. In a world where efficiency is paramount, humans using AI will be the ones leading the way. Take this opportunity to learn, adapt, and shine.

Watch Andrea Davey, Scout Talent’s CEO, and Phil Cantrel, AI Software Engineer, as they introduce you to the world of possibilities unlocked with our new AI Suite. You’ll also meet Felix, an AI-powered recruitment assistant! Think of Felix as a member of your team, always available, never tired, and consistently on-point. After this webinar, you’ll be a step ahead of the game when it comes to using AI as a talent acquisition expert.

Learn how AI can help you to:

  • Craft exciting job advertisements that make people want to apply for your role.
  • Engage potential hires with custom-made talent landing pages in the blink of an eye.
  • Ensure you’re uncovering important applicant information with efficient screening questions.
  • Generate impactful social media posts that resonate with your target audience.
  • Distill countless hours of resume screening into mere minutes with candidate summaries.
  • Craft the perfect interview questions tailored to your candidates’ unique experiences and competencies.
  • Share curated candidate summaries with stakeholders at the touch of a button, streamlining decision-making.

Webinar Video

Enter your details below and a copy of the webinar recording will be emailed to you promptly. Enjoy the discussion at your own pace and be sure to browse our other resources for more talent acquisition insights.

More talent acquisition resources

If you’d like to learn more about how Scout Talent works with organizations to elevate their talent acquisition, head to the Contact Us page and one of our specialists will reach out to you with more information.

You can browse any number of our past webinars here, and gain insight into all areas of talent acquisition. Our specialist team members and invited guests to provide you with useful industry tips, best practices, and thought leadership to support you on your journey to grow your business. You can also access myriad talent acquisition resources for free on our website.