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Casey House, a specialty hospital providing inpatient and outpatient care, faced significant recruitment challenges. These included competing in a vast labour market to attract and secure top talent, and managing the coordination of all parties involved in the hiring process, which led to inefficiencies and communication breakdowns. For 4 years, Casey House has partnered with Scout Talent to address these challenges using our Applicant Tracking System and Recruitment CRM (:Recruit), our onboarding module :Onboard, as well as tapping into our Recruitment Campaign Services when needed. With access to both recruitment technology and specialized recruitment marketing, Casey House effectively advertised its job openings, captured qualified candidates, and consolidated all communications in one place, ensuring a seamless connection from application to offer. Additionally, :Recruit simplified candidate management, enabling efficient and effective hiring practices.

How Casey House Achieved Recruitment Success

A Scout Talent Success Story

Casey House, a specialty hospital providing inpatient and outpatient care, faced significant recruitment challenges. These included competing in a vast labour market to attract and secure top talent and managing the coordination of all parties involved in the hiring process, which led to inefficiencies and communication breakdowns.

For 4 years, Casey House has partnered with Scout Talent to address these challenges using our Applicant Tracking System and Recruitment CRM (:Recruit), our onboarding module :Onboard, as well as tapping into our Recruitment Campaign Services when needed. 

With access to both recruitment technology and specialized recruitment marketing, Casey House effectively advertised its job openings, captured qualified candidates, and consolidated all communications in one place, ensuring a seamless connection from application to offer. Additionally, :Recruit simplified candidate management, enabling efficient and effective hiring practices.

About Casey House

Casey House is a specialty hospital located in downtown Toronto, dedicated to providing groundbreaking care for people living with and at risk of HIV. As the only HIV specialty hospital in Canada, it delivers both inpatient and outpatient services, including unique supervised consumption services within the hospital. Recruitment is a constant focus for Casey House. While they typically hire two or three new employees per month, there are months when this number reaches five or six. Before finding Scout Talent, some of the challenges Casey House experienced included:

“Having that tether between Scout :Onboard and Scout :Recruit to just move our applicants right through the process, having our offer letter templates embedded has really sped up the process.

Before, we’d have to manage reams of email attachments, making sure they got out to the right people. Now everything is contained within a single place that we control who accesses.”

– Adrian Puopolo – Director of Human Resources

The Solution

A combination of leading recruitment software and specialist recruitment support.

The team at Casey House has relied on Scout Talent as their recruitment partner for over 4 years. In response to their specific challenges, Scout Talent has supported Casey House with our leading ATS and Recruitment CRM, :Recruit, our onboarding module, :Onboard (learn more about :Onboard here), alongside our specialist recruitment services.

With Scout Talent’s Recruitment Software and Services, Casey House receives trustworthy support from experienced Recruitment Specialists who act as an extension of their internal hiring team.

What will :Recruit achieve?

Easily post jobs

  • Integrates with your website and top-tier job boards
  • Easily create, edit, and post job ads to multiple job boards simultaneously
  • Attract top candidates with branded talent landing pages

Create a seamless candidate experience

  • Guide candidates to a branded talent landing page (with your logo, colours, and imagery!)
  • Cleanly showcase the opportunity and organisation
  • Build your employer brand

Communicate with the click of a button

  • Strengthen your employer brand through branded email templates
  • Run bulk actions for multiple candidates at once
  • Use event scheduling to book and manage interviews digitally

Build your workflow, your way

  • Assign candidates with statuses and tags (e.g; ‘contacted’ or ‘interview booked’)
  • Allow your hiring managers to get notified
  • View great candidates within minutes of their application
  • Set and report on individual and team KPIs

Screen applications

  • Screen candidates faster using simple automations
  • Set up tailored screening questions that ask candidates for specific information. Screening questions help you to quickly rate applications and find top candidates

Connect with more candidates

  • Create an ongoing expression of interest form
  • Build a talent pipeline of great candidates for future roles
  • Report on which advertising channels perform best

Scout Talent :Recruit is a leading best-of-breed applicant tracking system and recruitment CRM that allows organizations like Casey House to manage their entire talent acquisition process with one powerful platform. Scout Talent :Recruit helps organizations like Casey House to attract and secure top talent, reduce their time & cost to hire, empower collaboration within hiring teams, and securely store candidate data in one centralized place.

“Since we’ve integrated with Scout :Recruit, we have the option to flex and curate with each posting, like requiring cover letters, resumes, screening questions, etc. It really has increased and added the element of intentionality, which I think is really important.”

– Adrian Puopolo – Director of Human Resources, Casey House

Results achieved

“It’s been transformational for us leveraging these tools in the recruiting space.”

– Adrian Puopolo – Director of Human Resources

Over their 4-year partnership with Scout Talent, Casey House has seen transformative results in their talent acquisition processes. With a combination of leading recruitment software and specialist recruitment support, Casey House has:

Enhanced Candidate Reach and Engagement:

With our specialized recruitment software and services, Casey House has significantly expanded their reach to attract high-quality candidates for specialized roles. Our strategic recruitment marketing efforts ensure that Casey House job postings gain maximum visibility among relevant candidate pools.

Streamlined Recruitment Process:

:Recruit has revolutionized the way Casey House manages its recruitment workflow. By automating key tasks such as candidate screening, and internal communications, Casey House has drastically reduced the time required to shortlist and engage potential hires. This efficiency has enabled the small HR team to focus more on strategic initiatives and candidate care.

Refined Onboarding Process:

The onboarding module allowed Casey House to connect applicants to offers seamlessly. Previously, offer letters and candidate communications were handled via email. Now, using :Onboard, they store and streamline all offers and templates, including follow-up information and new employee surveys that help us understand our new hires before they join us.

Improved Hiring Manager and Candidate Satisfaction:

The intuitive features of the platform, such as the ability to share information and ensure hiring managers have access to everything in one place, have enhanced the overall experience for both hiring managers and candidates. This streamlined communication fosters a positive perception of Casey House’s employer brand, improving future recruitment efforts.

Through dedicated support and innovative technology solutions, Scout Talent continues to assist Casey House in meeting its evolving recruitment needs, ensuring it achieves its hiring goals.

Leaders in best-of-breed talent acquisition software

Scout Talent is a comprehensive talent acquisition platform empowering your organization’s strategic growth.

Through continuous improvement and innovation, we support organisations like yours to increase efficiencies and achieve their talent acquisition goals.

G2 reviews NA Summer 2024
Adrian Puopolo | Director of Human Resources