GUIDE: 3 Communication Hacks to Speed Up Your Recruitment Process
< 1 minute | Posted 08 March, 2022

In this candidate-driven market, speed when recruiting is imperative. With considerable competition between employers, the time it takes to move through the steps of your recruitment process can be the difference between hiring the top candidate, or losing out to the competition. The swing in the candidate market, giving jobseekers greater choice, is in part due to The Great Resignation. The global pandemic inspired workers to find a job that better suited their needs and career goals. It’s a harsh reality that recruiters have to face: candidates have more power than ever, and we can’t afford to lose great talent due to slow recruitment processes.

Attracting candidates to apply to your role is the first hurdle. With greater competition for candidates, recruiters are noticing less application per role than ever. For actionable tips on Candidate Attraction, check out our recent article on how to attract amazing candidates: Digital Recruitment Strategies For A Competitive Candidate Market

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Once you have a pool of applicants, now it’s time to start deciding who is the best fit. Act fast – you never know who else is vying for the best candidates. Download our helpful guide below, for three hacks on how you can speed up your recruitment process.

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