A robust team is key to ensure that your business thrives and enjoys sustainable growth well into the future. However, the immense changes that swept the job market in 2020 demand businesses to change the way they recruit new team members. Rather than having candidates flock to vacancies, organisations rely on pro tips to attract candidates to apply.
Today, there are more employment opportunities listed on Seek than there have been at any point in the company’s 23-year history. This puts candidates well and truly in the driver’s seat and makes it difficult for your organisation’s job listing to stand out in a field overflowing with opportunity. Organisations have to work smarter, not harder, to attract candidates and grow their teams sustainably.
Do you want to learn more about recruitment marketing, employer branding, and how you can improve these facets of your organisation to attract candidates and drive growth?
In this webinar, Scout Talent’s Employer Branding & Recruitment Marketing Specialist, Cherise Swanson, shares her tips to attract candidates by improving your recruitment marketing. Learn how to set yourself apart from the crowd in a highly competitive job market by articulating your key points of difference with care.
For expert recruitment marketing services, head to the Contact Us page and tell us about your talent acquisition goals. Work with our specialists to grow your talent pool and reap the rewards of a talented team.
You can browse any number of our past webinars here, and gain insight into all areas of talent acquisition. Our specialist team members and invited guests provide you with useful industry tips, best practices, and thought leadership to support you on your journey to grow your business. You can also access myriad talent acquisition resources for free on our website.
Below, the recording of the webinar will guide you through the current climate, recruitment marketing best practices, and tips to attract candidates to your role. You can also find a transcription of the webinar below for accessibility.
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Recording: 5 tips to attract candidates in a tight candidate market
Transcript: 5 tips to attract candidates in a tight candidate market
Fraser Rubens 00:09
Hello everyone and welcome to today’s webinar. My name is Fraser Rubens and I work internally with the Scout Talent marketing and events team. I’m very excited to introduce today’s speaker Cherise Swanson, who is Scout Talent’s recruitment marketing and employer branding team leader. And today we will be discussing how to attract candidates in a tight candidate market. Take it away, Cherise.
Cherise Swanson 00:31
Thanks, Fraser. I’m so excited to be speaking today on how to attract candidates in these tight candidate markets. Before we dive in, I’d like to take the opportunity to introduce myself first. So as the recruitment marketing and employer branding team leader at Scout, my main focus is attracting as many relevant candidates to our clients’ opportunities as possible.
So the employer branding aspect of our team is focused on helping our clients articulate their unique employee value propositions, and setting up a great employer branding foundation for both attracting and retaining top talent. But in essence, two of the most important aspects to get right when attracting candidates.
Now my background specifically is actually in generalist marketing and communication. And I think it’s such a great way to introduce the webinar itself is to draw the connection between marketing and recruitment marketing. So in its essence, recruitment marketing utilises the same techniques as general marketing, but with its main focus on a specific demographic: candidates.
Now, that’s a little bit about me, but I’d love to hear from those that are tuned in live with us. So if you can in the chat function, please jump in with your name, position and organisation. But just make sure to send it to panellists and attend dates. Now give you a couple of seconds to put something in the chatbox. Right, I can see Jen from Ohana Learning Centres Hi, Jen.
Cherise Swanson 02:19
Great. I can see Billy.
Cherise Swanson 02:23
Sheree, recruitment officer, great. Danielle, hi, HR coordinator. Right. Hi, Christine from NWRH. Great. All right. Thanks, everyone. It’s great to see so many people tuning in, in HR and recruitment, you’re definitely in the right space. All right, so let’s get the webinar going. Now, before we dive into what we’ll be speaking about today, I just like to go over some of the housekeeping rules.
So right now, your microphones are all on mute. So we won’t be able to hear you if you speak during the webinar. But we’d still love you to participate. So we’ll be launching some audience polls throughout the session that we really encourage you to participate in. And if you have any questions or comments to add at any time, please type them into the Zoom chat and we’ll get to them at the end. This webinar is also being recorded and the full recording and slides will be emailed to you later this afternoon.
Alright, so in our session today, we’ll go through a brief background on what’s actually happening in the talent market, how to break down talent pools, what is passive attraction and how to use it, as well as some actionable tips for job ads, and the importance of employer branding. If you find this information helpful and would like to know more about what happens after you’ve attracted candidates and how to keep them tuned into our shortlisting Team Leader Aurelio’s webinar next month.
Fraser Rubens 03:55
Awesome. Thank you for that introduction, Cherise. Now, before we get started, I was just wondering if you could just take us through what is happening in the market right now.
Cherise Swanson 04:04
Great. All right, so, current markets. Some current market statistics. It’s an incredibly tough market right now. And this is for all industries in all locations.
It’s great news that the economy and the job market has bounced back so well. Our unemployment rate here in Australia is now at 4.9%, which is the lowest point in the past 10 years and is down from 7.5% at the peak of the pandemic, which is the highest point in the last 10 years.
So while it’s great news that the market has bounced back and employment rates have dropped, it means that it really is a candidate-driven market at the moment. If you’d have asked someone in the recruitment industry, what 2020 and 2021 would have looked like, before the pandemic, I don’t think anyone would have predicted the changes that we’ve seen so far.
And one statistic that I think really highlights the reality of recruitment right now. It’s something that SEEK released a few months ago and announced that the largest number of job postings in its 23-year history had been posted, compared to the lowest number of applications received on the site since 2008. I think that just really speaks to the disparity there between how many jobs we have open at the moment and the limited number of applicants.
The reality is, since the pandemic, people’s priorities have also really shifted to valuing things like job security and stability more than ever. So with so many jobs available, it’s a candidates market and job seekers really have the ability to be choosy over the roles that they apply for.
And more than just a lower number of applicants on big job boards such as SEEK, another contributing factor in the new difficulties and filling vacancies is updated job board algorithms and algorithms are going to be something you will hear me speak a little bit about today. So many platforms have changed the way they serve up relevant ads to candidates. So this is where accurate and searchable job titles, job summaries and copy of containing relevant keywords is paramount. It’s so important to tailor your recruitment marketing offering to attract the best candidates.
Now, I’m just going to bring up a poll. I’d love to find out more about what brings you here today. So that should come up on your screen now. So we’re asking the question, what brings you to our webinar? We’ve got you struggling to fill roles. Have you got lots of recruitment on the horizon? Are you really just here for those actionable tips? Or would you just want to hear more about what we do at Scout?
Fraser Rubens 06:43
So we’ll give it a couple of seconds just for you guys to put your results in the poll. And then as those results come in, Sharif, I’d love to ask you that as an employer, how would I start to figure out who I want to attract, let alone how I would go about attracting them?
Cherise Swanson 06:58
Yeah, great question. Let me just move that poll off my screen. Great. All right. So I think the first place to start is by having a solid understanding of the candidates you’re trying to attract, and the different the difference between job advertising channels. So at Scout, we break them down into active and passive channels.
Now before I dive into the next slide, I can see those, ah, poll results have come back in. Great, Alright, so we’ve got 64% are looking for actionable tips, perfect. 50% have got roles they are struggling to fill at the moment, which I think is definitely, from the stats have just spoken about, something that a lot of people are experiencing at the moment. And we’ve got 18% with lots of recruitment on the horizon. Right.
Alright, so breaking down those candidate pools, a huge portion, about 70-80% of the talent market is made up of passive and continuous candidates. Now, those are the people who are not actively looking on job boards for career opportunities but would definitely be open to it if one were to be presented to them. A truly sound and strategic strategy should include a mix of passive and active channels to market to both kinds of candidates.
So active, it’s important to be on generalist and relevant niche job boards. That’s where active candidates are going to be looking and that catches those who are actively looking and applying. But the most important thing here is your advertising copy and using sound knowledge of job board algorithms to maximise your ad visibility in search results. So using the right titles and keywords, for example.
Passive. With passive (candidate attraction) it’s key to use passive channels to get in front of those continuous or passive candidates who may not be looking for employment at the moment but would be open to a new opportunity. Examples of passive candidate attraction would be digital headhunting through platforms such as SEEK or LinkedIn with a recruiter licence. And if you’re going to engage in this kind of candidate attraction, it’s really about making sure your messages aren’t just seen as spam. I think a lot of us will be familiar with receiving a LinkedIn in-mail message from a recruiter offering a role that really has little to no relevance to anything that relates to our experience, so you definitely don’t want to be seen as sending just spam messages.
Another much more affordable way of engaging passive candidates is through social media. So running an ad through Facebook’s ad network, which also includes Instagram is a fantastic way of using Facebook’s extremely detailed targeting capability and can drill down to target the ads at candidates by demographic or interests or even activity. A great example here. If we were looking to recruit travel agents, if we were to do that with what’s happening in the world, we could target people based on the last time they used to travel app. So it can be a little bit creepy to candidates, let’s say, but it’s great for us.
Fraser Rubens 10:12
Thank you for that Cherise, and I got from that last section that active and passive attraction is a really important aspect of recruiting and one that a lot of the HR generalists and recruiters online might not have considered. Could you elaborate on passive attraction for us?
Cherise Swanson 10:28
Yeah, definitely. So, it really is important to engage in passive attraction strategies, even more so in a tight candidate market. So the difference between Scout and a typical recruitment agency in terms of headhunting is we experience about 70% higher engagement with the way that we conduct our headhunting and engage prospective employees. So that really just speaks to the importance of really looking at the messaging that you’re sending.
Now, it also highlights the difference between doing recruitment marketing and then doing it really well. So many people constantly keep their feelers out for changes in the current or ideal industry, just in case this situation changes or the right opportunity comes up. There’s a lot that goes into a successful headhunting venture, from targeted and creative ad copy to strategic and conversational messaging.
And also, after that, practising good candidate care by following up in a timely manner once you receive a response. So by directly sifting through appropriate candidates, and explaining how your role and your organisation would be a good fit for them and their individual skills and experience, you’ll more likely experience a higher application rate for your efforts.
And also here as well, the platforms that you passively recruit on are highly important. So this kind of recruitment and contact is best suited to social media platforms, such as LinkedIn or Facebook, as prospective clients -ah, sorry- prospective recruits are likely to scroll on these platforms during downtime, rather than when they’re in a job-hunting mindset on job boards such as SEEK.
So when you’ve got a role to fill, where typical job boards may be falling short, Facebook ads can also be an incredible resource that’s cheap, effective, and most importantly, time-efficient. So after the initial effort spent posting an ad on Facebook, it’s often doing its work for you drawing in applicants and sending them to your company page. A Facebook ad works in the same way it would if you were selling a product, it’s pulling your opportunity to relevant candidates by using Facebook’s demographic section, inviting clicks to your company’s page where your opportunity is advertised with instructions to apply, or even to a phone number. And you could list the ad as the job title and then elaborate on the benefits, remuneration or any other desirable details to draw in people to click. And with a Facebook ad, you haven’t got that large amount of room for lots of words. So it’s really about being too easy. And just putting on some of those key benefits and highlights to get those click-throughs.
Fraser Rubens 13:06
Awesome. Thank you, Cherise. So you’ve given some really good insights and background so far for these people on the webinar. But as we saw in the poll, I think the biggest thing people are here for is the top tips to really recruit these candidates. Can you provide some tips for HR managers and generalists that they can implement so they can start attracting more candidates?
Cherise Swanson 13:25
Yeah, definitely. So I’ll move through to those actionable tips. So as promised, here are my top five tips for any HR generalists or recruiters to help you attract candidates in the current job market.
So tip number one is to articulate your benefits. And I think this, you know, it does sound quite simple, but it’s something that’s so important to get right. So people aren’t just out there looking for high remuneration anymore. COVID has really changed the way people search for and interact with job ads. And they’re much more interested in job security and other benefits and things like support than they were pre-pandemic. So it’s of the utmost importance for you to articulate these non-monetary benefits and posting job ads and making it clear that things like culture and other benefits and other, you know, staff support that’s on offer are a key part of your organisation.
Now if there’s something about your role that makes it different from similar roles in the industry, shout it loud and proud. If there are paid learning and development that can be tied to your role to help the candidate upskill make sure that that is made clear in the posting. If there’s interstate or international travel on the cards, when we can, or perhaps it’s flexible working arrangements or on-site childcare, make sure that’s known from the outset as these factors can be the things that determine whether or not they’re actually going to apply or can be the determining factor between accepting or declining a job offer.
Moving through to tip number two, use active and passive advertising strategies. So as we spoke about before, it’s really important to diversify the channels that you recruit through to make sure you’re using both active and passive techniques. So make sure you’re not just limiting yourself to one job board or one type of candidate pool. There are plenty of specialist job boards that we’ll talk about next, that will improve the number of eyes on your ad. So passive and active recruitment techniques are both important as your next hire might not even know that they’re wanting to leave their existing role for your opportunity. By covering off on both channels, you’ll ensure that your job is promoted widely, and you’ll be meeting the candidate where they are rather than demanding they come to you out on those active job boards such as SEEK or Indeed.
Alright, tip number three, use a mixture of large and niche job boards. So LinkedIn and SEEK and Indeed are the top three that I think come to mind when we speak about large job boards. But niche job boards such as Ethical Jobs and Nursing Jobs, you know, for the health industry, as an example, are important places to be spreading the word about your role and your organisation.
And while it might be tempting to limit yourself to one big platform such as SEEK, many other sites are relevant places for job seekers to search on. A diverse range of job board postings can increase the chance that the perfect candidate will find your opportunity.
Posting on niche job boards also offers another benefit in that it shows you’re familiar with specific industry tools and helps to establish yourself as a reputable source in that particular fields. So this will go a long way with prospective candidates, as they’ll be reassured that they’re stepping into an organisation that is very familiar with that industry. And also, this tip I think is super relevant for anyone recruiting health workers at the moment.
Tip number four: great job ad copy. So because of the change to job board algorithms, it’s so important to ensure that job ad copy and titles are clear and accurately describe the role. So even a one-word change can mean the difference between your job postings being seen by relevant candidates or not.
So if you’re advertising for entry-level or generalist positions, don’t use too much industry-specific wording that might stop potential quality applicants from number one, seeing your job or self-selecting out when they don’t know the lingo and think they’re underqualified. Conversely, if you’re recruiting for a C-suite role, make sure you’re using specific industry language that would enable the algorithm to advertise to suitable candidates with the experience that you’re looking for.
And the title of your roles is also so important. And I think, again, it sounds quite simple, but it is something that can be tricky to get right. So really asking yourself the question, does that job role resonate with your ideal candidate? Is it advertising for the role in a straightforward, easy to understand way? Or are you using confusing language that might not be understood by potential candidates?
A great example of this would be let’s say, an upskill programme coordinator. Now, you might know what that is internally, but it might be more appropriate to advertise that role as a learning and development manager. So by using simple and effective language in your job ads, you’ll attract more candidates and see better application rates.
Tip number five, again, sounds quite simple, but it’s really tricky to get right. So, understanding your opportunity. I’m sure that many of you listening today will have experienced something similar to this scenario. You get an interview for a job, which sounds like it might be well suited to your skillset. But when you sit down for that interview, the hiring manager is only able to offer a really high-level overview of the role and kind of elaborate on the nitty-gritty of the responsibilities and what the day to day will actually look like. This can be really frustrating for applicants and it feels like they’re not really getting any real insight into the jobs of being canvassed for, they didn’t know what the day to day responsibilities are actually going to be.
And on top of this, before setting up interviews, and shortlisting candidates, it’s a really good idea to take a look at the kinds of soft skills that will complement this role and seek these out in your candidates. So hiring for soft skills is not always as straightforward and easy to identify, as you might imagine.
So for example, here, let’s say, truck drivers. They’re a key aspect to supply chains across the country and across countless industries. But there’s so much more to their role than just sitting in front of the wheel. So some truck drivers, depending on the load that they’re driving, may need to use good social skills and would benefit from being quite extroverted as they need to talk and express themselves while at changeovers, pickups, and at their final destination.
So looking for those soft skills can actually be a really big deciding factor in which applicants are actually well suited. And while you want to sell the opportunity for the job as best as you can, it’s really important to also sell your organisation as well. It’s a great opportunity to tell them not just about the role on offer, but how this role fits into the broader spectrum of your organisation, and how they as a person will contribute to the team at large. So this type of language that you use in your ads will let candidates know more about you. Are you a fun workplace? Do you prioritise team culture? Are there concrete career progression opportunities?
And something else to be mindful to hear as well is diversity in your hiring process. So making sure to remove any kind of bias from your job ads, you might want to cast the net as wide as possible when recruiting for roles. But unconscious bias can slip in if you’re not mindful of the language being used. There’s been quite a lot of studies on feminine and masculine language and how this can affect the applicants you receive. So making small tweaks along the way to reinforce to people that your workplace is an open and accepting and welcoming environment for everyone.
And I think something that I would like to pop in here as well, I guess it could almost be a sixth tip. Your employer brand is highly important. So it flags to prospective employees who you are and what you believe in. Think of your employer brand as the foundation of the building. If your employer brand is weak or not established, you’ll have real trouble building something sturdy on top of it. So if you have the capacity as an organisation to invest time in improving or establishing your employer brand, you’ll see real tangible benefits when it comes to recruiting new employees.
Fraser Rubens 21:52
They were five really, really good tips. Thank you for that Cherise. But I am wondering if you could just elaborate a bit more on the sixth tip of employer branding. And just explain why your employer brand is so important to prospective employees.
Cherise Swanson 22:08
Yeah, definitely. So employer branding is so important. And it’s one of the areas and parts of the services we offer our clients here at Scout that I’m particularly passionate about.
So looking at employer branding and how to improve it, you can pull together the most appealing job in the world with more benefits and you can shake a stick at, but if your employer brand doesn’t reinforce the perks of the job, you’ll be undercut by other employers who have established themselves as more positive places to work.
I think here Google itself is a great example of employer branding. They promise innovation not only in their products, but also to their employees with flexible work options, and a whole host of employee perks. It’s known as a great place to work and markets itself as such.
So a great employer brand not only helps you attract and Eengage talent, it also helps you retain it. So employee branding covers everything candidates learn and experience about your organisation throughout the recruitment process. You need to tell your story about why someone should join and why they should stay. So if you’re listening and thinking that this doesn’t apply to you, you have a great understanding of your employer brand, and of your employee value proposition, it’s really vital that it’s thoroughly understood throughout all levels and departments and is actively being lived and breathed.
If you’ve got a currently- if you’ve currently got a clear understanding of your employer brand, or perhaps wanting to take a small dip, there are some ways that you can improve it that aren’t too time-intensive, or highly expensive.
So before taking a job, a large majority of people will actually look up reviews of your organisation, obviously, depending on size and, you know, how long you’ve been out and about. And they’ll also look at your product or service. And what they will find is usually a major part of their decision-making process when considering working for you. So platforms such as Glassdoor, Capterra, and G2 are all industry leaders in their respective spaces. And many people go to these sites first to get a better idea of what it’s like to work for your company if they’re unfamiliar with you or your brand.
So having no reviews here is almost as bad as having bad reviews. So if you haven’t already, consider investing time and money into a cohesive review strategy which could be really helpful. If you’re looking at ways you could get buy-in from different levels and areas of your organisation to encourage them to go and leave a review, you could incentivize your current employees to leave reviews on these platforms. It’s not about bribing them to leave good reviews. But it’s more about providing your staff with the background on why it’s important and you could drive engagement and see your reviews spike by just explaining its purpose. Employer reviews may end up being a deciding factor for some new hires. So they’re really important.
Now if you’ve got a great fun workplace with great culture really promote this, you’ll find this really isn’t as common as you might think. And many workplaces can suffer from being a little bit bland, or perhaps even negative places to work. So investing in things like culture videos, where you have your existing staff speaking about the “why”, they love working for you, what brings them out of bed every day and coming to work with a smile on their face can be really, really helpful with (the help of) a professional videographer. Or, you can get talking head segments on your staff spruiking their favourite parts of your business and your brand on the day-to-day of their role.
Scout recently conducted this internally, and we filmed a large number of our employees and put together a great video that really spoke to Scout Talent and what we offer our employees. And it’s a huge asset to the company, we really promoted it widely. And people that we’ve hired since then have told us it was actually a huge asset and it really made them think that their future colleagues and the work atmosphere would be fun and engaging, which it definitely is, I can speak to that.
And something else to consider here as well is how to interact with candidates who haven’t been successful. So if you’re hiring only one applicant from a pool of 100 or more, the vast majority of people who interacted with you will know you as the company that rejected them. It’s an unavoidable part of business, but isolating your talent pool by leaving them in the dark once you finalise your hire just isn’t great business practice.
You know, why wouldn’t you want to keep your talent pool warm by leaving them feeling engaged even when their application wasn’t successful? You know, someone who wasn’t a right fit for the role now, after a couple of years’ experience, may be a perfect fit. So creating a talent pool and engaging them with emails on a regular basis, such as employee profile stories, other opportunities that are available with you, and what’s going on in your company can be a great way to start.
Fraser Rubens 27:07
Awesome, thank you for that, Cherise. And that was a really interesting deep dive into employer branding as a little bonus tip as well. And on that note, just looking at the clock, it seems like a good place for us to wrap – we’re coming towards the end of our time.
Before we conclude, I’d like to open the floor to any questions, any questions that have come through for the people that were on the webinar, feel free to put it in either the chat or the Q&A function. There is one that’s come through already just asking about advertising for health roles. They’re struggling to find a Dental Assistant, do you have any tips on that to help them Cherise?
Cherise Swanson 27:42
Yeah, that’s a great question. And again, you know, you’re definitely not alone in your struggles in filling roles, such as dental assistants. It’s, you know, whether it’s exercise physiologists, nurses, anything in the health industry right now is incredibly tough.
And I think this just goes back to what I mentioned earlier around having a really robust strategy. So engaging in passive (attraction) if you’re able to. Or outsourcing, which I’ll touch on in a minute. And, you know, appearing on those nice job boards, Ethical Jobs, Nursing Jobs, there are a whole host of other niche job boards, as well as being on standard places such as SEEK or Indeed.
Fraser Rubens 28:22
Awesome. We’ve got two more questions that have come through, but we’ve got four questions that have come through. So if we could put a rush on them. That’d be great. From Nomi, we’ve got a question asking if you have any recommendations for employer review platforms, so she can help direct her internal staff to the right places?
Cherise Swanson 28:39
Great, sorry. I did just sort of cut out there. And what was that question again. Sorry.
Fraser Rubens 28:43
So if you have any recommendations for employee review platforms?
Cherise Swanson 28:48
Yeah, great. I think the one that I’m most familiar with is Glassdoor. I’d say that’s one of the largest review platforms out there. And it’s super easy to use. So just by, you know, sending out an email to your employees saying, here’s the link to our Glassdoor page, which is super easy to create. They can just hop on and leave a review. It’s as simple as leaving a review on Google. You’ve just got to create a profile account and then type in your responses. It’s really, really easy.
Fraser Rubens 29:14
Amazing. New question from Kelly has just come through. You mentioned Instagram advertising. How do you go about using Insta for recruiting? She’s never explored it as an option before.
Cherise Swanson 29:25
Yeah, great question. I think it’s a really, I guess what I would say as an untapped resource for a lot of people. So I’ll just speak to you a little bit about Facebook ad manager. So Facebook and Instagram are actually linked: when you post through Facebook it also puts the ad on Instagram as well.
And Facebook Ads Manager it’s really easy to set up an account. It just has to be linked to a business. And once you’ve got that account set up, you can put in, you know, how much ad spend you’d like there to be, whether it’s a daily spend, or if you’re going to run it for a couple of weeks. It really is up to you how long or how much you invest into those ads.
And basically, from there, it’s, it’s it will just pop up when you’re scrolling on Facebook. Yeah, I think a great way of explaining as well is, you know, you’ll see on Facebook, lots of, for me anyway, lots of clothing brands will come up because it knows that’s what I’m interested in. And it will say, you know, click here, and it will send you back through to their website, you can do a similar thing where it will link through to your careers page, where you’ve got that opportunity advertised, and they can then apply that way.Â
Fraser RUbens 30:30
Awesome. And two more questions. One comes through from Sarah, thanking you for your advice in the webinar. And she’s also said that they’re having difficulty recruiting indigenous employees, the standard recruitment process just doesn’t engage or attract candidates, and if you had any practical tips should really appreciate it.
Cherise Swanson 30:48
Yeah, that’s a great question, Sarah. And it is definitely a tough one. So I think what we do for a lot of our clients that are looking at recruiting indigenous employees, if you have the government exemption to hire only indigenous employees, just making sure that that’s definitely on any job ads that you post for.
So you know, if you’re posting on SEEK for an example, making sure you’ve got that exemption there, and even having in brackets, indigenous identified role. So straight off the bat, you know, indigenous employees who are looking for roles will see that.
And something else, if you don’t have that government exemption, but you are just wanting to recruit more indigenous employees, it really comes down to the kind of language that you use, you know, putting things on there, such as, you know, indigenous or Aboriginal-identified and people are strongly encouraged to apply. Having that set quite high up in your ad copy can be important. And that’s a great way of just inviting that in there.
Fraser Rubens 31:48
So and just one more has come through from George. He’s asking if you’ve seen an increase in salaries in software engineers as a result of candidates being poached company to company. I know, that’s very much a data-focused question. So if you don’t have that info off the top of your head, maybe I could definitely get back to George one on one after the webinar.
Cherise Swanson 32:08
Yeah, I think, yeah, definitely good for me to take a step back and do a little bit of research. And I can come back to you there on that one. But just touching on salary as a whole. I think, in any competitive market salary does become, I guess, competitive as well. And I think, you know, it’s a very similar thing that we’re talking about today with digital headhunting ventures, is, you know, providing a competitive benefit. So that means yes, remuneration, but also those are non-monetary benefits. But just to answer your question now, there has been a definite spike in salary in a multitude of different industries.
Fraser Rubens 32:47
So that’s all the questions that have come through, so it might be time for us to wrap up.
Cherise Swanson 32:52
Great. Alright. Thanks, Fraser. I did just want to touch on just before we finish (that) if anyone has any more questions, I’ll bring up my details on the screen in a second. And you can feel free to send me an email if you’d like to chat further.
But I did just want to touch on, you know, the difference between resourcing and outsourcing. So I’m guessing you know, a lot of you are very, very busy with your roles currently, and it can be really hard to invest time and effort into recruitment. So in our post-webinar comms today, you’ll be receiving an info packet with the different services that Scout Talent offers and how we can help you with your talent acquisition goals.
So as a recruitment marketing and employer branding professional myself, everything we discussed in today’s webinar can be offered as a package, it can be tailored to suit your needs, and it really just is the tip of the iceberg of you know, how to recruit well.
We also have an in house shortlisting and selection team and product teams who are here to help you every step of the recruitment process and we can help you find hire and retain top talent.
Great, and I’ll just put on my details on the screen now if anyone would like to take that down, and I hope everyone has a great rest of your day and good luck with your job postings.