Need assistance with recruitment? Here are some ways we can help
3 minutes | Posted 30 March, 2020

With circumstances changing daily and a variety of new challenges to navigate, we want you to know that you’re not alone. We’ve been maintaining communication with our clients and contacts, and in doing so, we understand many of them are in different situations. Some have implemented recruitment freezes, others have their hands full with workforce management, digitising processes and health and safety measures. Others need to recruit, but are uncertain about what messaging to use, or are being inundated with applications. 
At Scout Talent, we’re here to help you overcome these challenges and support you in any capacity we can. So, no matter your situation, here are some ways we can help you bridge the gaps.  

Tailored solutions 

If your team members are out of the office or you have your hands full with competing priorities, our reliable Specialists can step in to act as an extension of your team.  
Our Specialists work with you to understand your requirements, provide informed recommendations and tailor the right solution. They can assist you with:

  • Recruitment Advertising – Designing advertisements with appropriate, timely messaging to maintain transparency with candidates.
  • Shortlisting and Selection – Creating a robust screening process, so your organisation isn’t overwhelmed with applications, maintaining great candidate care, and conducting video interviews, behavioural testing, reference checks, and more.
  • Employer Branding – delivering branded communication templates to keep your talent pipeline warm and engaged (because your employer brand still matters, now, more so than ever!). Or, if your team has time to implement some new projects, they can consult with you about the best way to identify your Employee Value Proposition and brand messaging, so when you’re ready to hire, you’re amplifying the right message to the marketplace.

20% off video interviews

You may have team members working from home or your organisation may need to reduce face-to-face contact in general. However, if you need to continue moving valuable candidates through the talent pipeline, you can’t let recruitment grind to a complete halt due to an inability to conduct interviews. 
We want to make a difference to help you meet your recruitment needs and protect your team members from nonessential exposure. To support you during this time, we’re offering 20% off our video interviewing services to give you a fast-tracked, immediate video interview solution if needed. Find out more an enquire here. 

Talent pipelining

High-quality talent is available now. During this temporary time of adjustment with a number of organisations and industries in the midst of recruitment freezes, talent pipelining is a critical long-term strategy. A number of proactive employers are using this time to put measures in place to stay ahead of their talent competitors. When stability returns and hiring gains momentum, competition will be fierce and the A-players will be snapped up quickly.
Our Specialists can work with you to run campaigns to grow your talent pipeline and maintain timely, appropriate communication to keep them engaged – so when you’re ready to hire again, you have a strong candidate pool to make a selection from.

Longer campaigns and delayed onboarding 

Perhaps you’re not sure when you’ll be ready to make a hire. Aside from talent pipelining, there are a number of outside-the-box strategies we can recommend. Scout Talent can provide longer campaigns to grow your talent pipeline and delay onboarding. (However, there’s a right and wrong way to do this — we can provide recommendations on how to avoid the pitfalls.) 
During challenging times, we understand recruitment doesn’t always grind to a halt. Whether you need assistance designing the right messaging for your recruitment advertisements, or need shortlisting or talent pipelining support, Scout Talent is here to help in any capacity we can. Don’t let short-term challenges throw you off your course.
For assistance with any of the above, schedule a discussion with our Client Success Specialists on 07 3330 2595 or at