The Scout Scoop: Seamless Reference Checks with Referoo
3 minutes | Posted 09 April, 2021

In this interview, Jake chats with Simon Topper, Director of Referoo, about our brand new :Recruit integration, enabling mutual clients to seamlessly request and report on reference checks in-app. Watch the video above or read the full interview below!

Jake: Good morning, everyone! My name is Jake Sullivan, I’m the Partnerships Executive here at Scout Talent Group. I am extremely excited to be sitting on this Zoom with our good friends at Referoo. Simon, do you want to introduce yourself? 
Simon: Hi, all. I’m Simon Topper, I’m one of the directors here at Referoo, an online reference checking software and proud new partners with Scout Talent! 
Jake: Perfect, perfect way to start off our Zoom here. Simon, we’ve been talking that much over the past few months – feels like probably years to us, but I’m really excited about being able to offer this product to our clients, I’m sure you are just as excited too! 
Simon: We’re really excited to be working with you guys at Scout, and I think it makes sense that what we do and what you do is going to make the recruitment process so much easier for our mutual clients. 
Jake: For our mutual clients that haven’t seen the integration in play, we’ve developed an integration with Referoo that allows :Recruit users to seamlessly automate their reference checks easily and quickly. 
Simon: The entire idea of Referoo is to take that most tedious and time consuming part of recruitment, often the last piece of the puzzle as well – reference checking – and streamline it so that it’s as simple as possible for your team. 
By using the integration between Scout Talent and Referoo, you can take this process that takes you between 3-5 days to complete, and just with a 30-second process have it completed. 
Jake: So ultimately, what you’re telling me Simon, is that HR managers or recruitment teams are literally buying back time in their process by seamlessly doing their recruitment through an integration with Scout Talent and Referoo.
Simon: Absolutely. There’s a lot of different ways people do references, but they’re all time consuming, and they’re usually convoluted for all the different parties – recruiters, candidates and referees. So what we’ve built is a way to streamline the process for all parties, make it as convenient as possible. 
We use SMS technology – we text people as well as email them. Every convenience we can bring to the process, so you don’t have to be chasing people up and make phone calls yourself. 
Jake: Yeah, exactly. From seeing the integration, the exciting thing for me is seeing the reports coming back into Scout for our users. Once a Scout Talent user clicks Export to Referoo, can you give us a little bit of an understanding of what happens on the Referoo side of things? 
Simon: Yeah, absolutely. What Referoo does is take every aspect of the reference checking process off your hands. So we contact the candidate first of all, then the referees with your choice of questionnaire. You can have as many questionnaires as you like and choose from them each time. They fill those details out, answer the questions and confirm all responses in Referoo, then we bring you back the completed report. 
It’s all done to Australian privacy standards, we take care of all the data security and gathering consent – all those pieces where you can find cracks in the puzzle, all taken care of for you. 
And with an average of 20 hours, you’ve gotten back your completed reference checks, as many as you like per candidate, ready for you to hire and make decisions. 
Jake: We keep talking about seamlessness and ease of use but it really is and I think it’s the easiest way to explain it. Can you give us a bit of insight as to some exciting things that we’ve got planned together? 
Simon: So we’re offering a 14-day trial for all Scout Talent clients. We’ll turn on Referoo for you, use it for free for a couple of weeks and just see how it works for you. 
Jake: What a perfect deal, can’t say no! Well Simon, I really want to thank you for joining me today. If anybody is looking at wanting to use the Referoo integration with your Scout Talent :Recruit, you can contact your account manager or give us a call on 07 3330 2595.

Being part of the Scout Talent Marketplace allows your product to be shared with our expanding database of more than 5000+ monthly users (internal recruitment teams, HR Managers, hiring managers and business leaders). You’ll also receive a dedicated development team who will ensure a seamless integration and your brand will be represented by our team of professional recruitment specialists.
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