Scout Learning integration with Microsoft Teams
3 minutes | Posted 17 July, 2020

Create an amazing learning experience without leaving Microsoft Teams.
Scout Learning is a leading online training platform, integrated with Microsoft to fundamentally transform the experience of learning. Scout Learning serves as a hub of the learning ecosystem, with connections to learning management systems and online training providers. Scout Learning has integrated with Microsoft to deliver you an amazing learning experience within Teams.
With more businesses operating remotely, we have integrated with Microsoft Teams to provide free access to a number of essential training pathways.

Helping organisations using Teams

Scout Learning is committed to assisting organisations provide the right training and support to your employees
Any organisation using Teams will be able to access free learning from Scout Learning on current, relevant topics, including working remotely, and health and wellness.
Scout Learning Modules


Benefits of Scout Learning and Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams integration with Scout Learning

Have a single space for collaborative learning

Access all learning resources in a single space. Enable discussions around learning resources on the Learning tab and the main conversation tab. Add learning resources from the Learning tab or the main conversation tab.
Microsoft Teams screen grab

Play learning content directly within Teams

View learning content without having to leave Teams. Access learning content quickly. Pick up learning where you left off
Scout Learning in Microsoft Teams screen grab

Get access to Scout Learning’s extensive content library

Supplement learning content you already have with the world’s largest library of online learning resources​
Take advantage of Scout Learning’s intelligent content recommendations, which use data about how people have engaged with learning resources to recommend additional relevant content​
Microsoft Teams


Easily configure your teams to optimise the learning experience. Drive collaborative learning within Teams in a modern, social environment. Quickly access online learning resources from hundreds of providers, including Microsoft Learn and more.
Excited? We are too. Let’s talk about next steps.
Any organisation using Teams can use Scout Learning with:

  • dedicated support to get started
  • direct access to the Scout Learning product team to share your feedback

Contact your Scout Learning Account Manager or get in touch with us on 07 3330 2595.