Product update: A new dashboard to view all your recruitment metrics in one place
4 minutes | Posted 25 August, 2020

Our Product Manager James shares information about new reporting dashboard and activity feed you’ll be able to view in Scout Talent:Recruit to help you make the best use of your time and stay on top of key recruitment metrics. 
Last month, I shared an update about the new reporting functionality rolling out in Scout Talent: Recruit, including metrics such as status-change, applicant source and time to hire reporting.
Leapfrogging from that, in line with the work we’re doing to help you get the best insights from data, this month I wanted to share the new reporting dashboard you’ll see when logging into Scout Talent: Recruit.

I love data’s ability to help you make smart, informed decisions and get the maximum ROI. Recruitment and metrics are an essential component of data-driven hiring; they’re the measurements you use to track hiring success and optimise your processes. That’s not to say data will ever detract from the important function HR and talent professionals play. The human touch has always been, and will always continue to be, crucial in the recruitment and talent space. Rather, data can be used to enhance our capabilities.

The human touch has always been, and will always continue to be, crucial in the recruitment and talent space.

There’s so much you can do to customise your recruitment software and data. But doing so can be a complicated process. Sometimes, you’re left with so many choices that you can get lost!
We work hard to constantly understand the needs of our customers and how they want to use their software; that is, we want to give you the flexibility to maintain your workflow, while also showing relevant information. (That opens doors, instead of overwhelming you with information.)

The new dashboard 

We wanted to consolidate all the key metrics that you care about onto a dashboard. Then, you can set thresholds as to whether these are “positive” metrics, or they need some attention.
Scout Talent:Recruit new dashboard screenshot
For example, you and your team might decide that you don’t want any more than 10 new, unactioned applications so you can keep a steady handle on your candidate shortlisting process. When that number breaches your nominated threshold, we can apply indicators (e.g. a red colour) to indicate this metric is exceeding the threshold. This helps you and your team immediately identify what needs to be actioned, when.
Depending on the way you action your recruitment process, you can apply notifications during “key moments” to understand how you’re tracking, where you’re doing well, and areas for improvement, based on your predefined metrics.
When using :Recruit, you’ll be able to see “cards” on the dashboard that display key metrics; we’ll continue to add more cards over time. We’ll also invite feedback about what your clients want to see reflected on the dashboard. These cards can be re-ordered or removed, depending on your workflow (e.g. if you don’t use approval forms, you can remove this item!).
These metrics will also tie into our other software modules, including :Onboard and :Engage. (For example, you may decide you want to send your talent pool a communication every 60 days, and set a threshold accordingly.)

The new activity feed

Sometimes, you might feel as if your recruitment is getting a bit “static”. To keep your finger on the pulse of what’s going on in your organisation, we’ll be adding an activity feed which can be found in the sidebar on the right-hand-side, which will provide real-time notifications about what’s happening with your roles and applications. For example, you’ll receive a notification when you gain a new application, or a user updates one of your applicant’s statuses. This will give you a better sense of movement and progress.
This new dashboard and activity feed will be an exciting and easy way for you to make the best use of your time and stay on top of recruitment.
James Keele
James Keele is the Product Manager for Scout Talent. He has a background in IT and Software Product Management specialising in the B2B space for the past 3+ years. James’ role is to manage Scout Talent’s product roadmap and software development, aligning them with the overall Scout Talent strategic vision. He is passionate about user experience, automation and the creative process of development.
For more information about any of the above new features, contact James directly at, or reach out to your Scout Talent Account Manager.
Alternatively, feel free to contact Scout Talent any time on 07 3330 2595 or at