The Talent Scout Episode 55: How using an LMS has benefited Scout Talent
2 minutes | Posted 12 April, 2021

Scout Talent has been using our own Learning Management System, or LMS, for quite some time in the run-up to launching it as a standalone product for our clients. The benefits have been clear across the board. From onboarding and employee engagement to upskilling and general culture building, the LMS and its use has had a significant positive impact on our internal teams.

Onboard new team members

Looking to onboarding, having an LMS has proven to be really useful at both upskilling our new starters and keeping them engaged with our organization while working remotely. It’s allowed our new hires to get to know us a little bit better and further embed themselves within our culture while learning the skills that they need for their respective roles. I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir when I say that onboarding new hires while working remotely does present some challenges. But, an easily accessible LMS ensures that new joiners always have something to engage with. It helps to cut down on the dreaded idle time that new hires often experience during their first few weeks with an organization, whether they work remotely or not.

Culture building

We’ve also found that our LMS has promoted a culture of upskilling. Leaders within our organization typically leverage our Learning Specialists to level up the team’s skills set, to shore up any missing gaps, or to prepare for new roles or tasks. That last part is particularly important. Having a central repository of industry knowledge, as well as competency knowledge such as leadership, can ensure that your organization is in a much more proactive position. Just as it has here for us in Scout. Now, when we want to make changes, launch products, or grow in new markets, we have the people and skills in place that we need in order to do so.

In terms of our culture and overall brand, the LMS has again really helped embed our people in who we are at Scout Talent. Once again this is particularly noticeable for new joiners. But even for people who have been a part of the team for a little longer, the use and engagement with an LMS has helped to showcase that we as an organization are passionate about the people who make up our team and that we want to see them succeed. Our LMS shows our people who we are better than a clever branding message ever could.

As an aside, we’re also using our LMS, as well as the specialists who are closest to it, to build a database of recruitment best practice knowledge. Our hope is that this will become a useful resource for our clients when it comes to learning how to recruit.

Investing in people

Bringing an LMS into Scout has been a universally positive experience. The LMS is a clear investment in our people and that’s where its value lies. In this age of working remotely and employee burnout, anything you can do to show your people that you value them is worth doing.

If you’d like to learn more about how to best implement a learning management system, please do reach out to us here and one of our learning specialists would be happy to answer any questions you might have.

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