LinkedIn Limited Listings Integration with Scout :Recruit
2 minutes | Posted 09 August, 2021

LinkedIn Limited Listings Integration with Scout :Recruit

When it comes time to advertise your job vacancies, it’s not always a simple process. It’s easy to spend more time than you can spare posting job listings on the right platforms. Even more so tweaking your wording to ensure you attract the best applicant pool! LinkedIn is a major player in the premium job listing space. But, for many companies, the price point means this isn’t a viable option for all roles. The great news is that the platform now offers LinkedIn Limited Listings, a free advertising solution that is fully integrated and automated within Scout :Recruit.

What does LinkedIn Limited Listings do?

As the name suggests, the functionality of LinkedIn Limited Listings isn’t as comprehensive as paid advertising. However, the convenience and potential reach of this advertising bolsters your attraction strategy. It also helps you save precious time and money thanks to its intuitive features.
LinkedIn’s premium Job Slots (paid ads that passively target candidates) have greater visibility and are more heavily promoted in targeted recommendations. But, the objective-based pricing and the assortment of ad options aren’t worth the return for some roles.
In the case of LinkedIn Limited Listings, the platform gathers ads from job boards and aggregators across the web and adds them to your page. It requires zero effort from you, and you don’t have to actively control the job gathering. 

What are the benefits of LinkedIn Limited Listings?

A major benefit of the :Recruit integration with LinkedIn Limited Listings is that it reduces the time and effort you need to invest to post your jobs on LinkedIn.
First, connect your company’s LinkedIn account to your :Recruit account. Then simply opt into a LinkedIn Limited Listings post when you create a new job listing. :Recruit does the rest of the work for you!
The integration scans your Scout account for newly published roles that you’ve opted to post to LinkedIn. It then collects them and creates the ad on your company jobs list below any premium slots you’re managing, without any extra effort from you. How good is that?
This :Recruit integration helps you promote your job opportunities to a much broader audience with no extra input from you. This means that you can spend your time getting to know your candidates instead of manually inputting job listing data.

Save time now with :Recruit

Would you like to activate LinkedIn Limited Listings in your :Recruit account? Please contact us at or head to this page to send us your inquiry!