New :Recruit integration with multi-channel job posting software 
2 minutes | Posted 02 December, 2021

Is there a job platform that you always wished was integrated with :Recruit? What if you were able to reach an audience of thousands by posting to job boards, aggregators, and social media channels in just one click? Our upcoming feature release could be the solution you’re dreaming of. In December, the new :Recruit integration with multi-channel job posting software, Idibu, brings a new wave of efficiencies to your talent acquisition system. 

Time-efficient talent acquisition technology 

Already, :Recruit integrates with major job boards in Australia, streamlining the job posting process and making candidate management quicker and easier. Now, the Idibu job posting software integration eliminates the repetitive manual process and saves your internal recruitment team member(s) precious time. 
The integration enables multi-channel job posting from within :Recruit to a vast range of job boards across several countries worldwide. No matter where your audience is based, this job posting software integration empowers you to reach out through multiple job boards and social media channels in just a few clicks. 
Casting a wider net in less time is proven to deliver candidates faster. Idibu’s network of job boards is extensive and helps you broaden your recruitment marketing capabilities in a time-efficient manner. 

Job posting software without borders 

The last few years demonstrated the value of borderless talent acquisition, particularly with the explosion of remote work. In a competitive candidate market, many organizations are looking global to build and maintain a talent pool of remote team members. With quick and easy access to Idibu job boards, your organization can reach further than ever before and bring diverse talent into the mix. 

How to activate your job posting software 

If you’d like to learn more about this paid feature and how to gain access to it, contact your dedicated account executive or contact us to be connected with a specialist. You can send an email to for more information.