Instant access to key data on your :Recruit dashboard
2 minutes | Posted 11 June, 2021

An exciting new update to :Recruit changes the way you track and report on recruitment, engagement and onboarding! We’re introducing dashboard metrics to your dashboard! Now, you can log in and have instant access to key decision-making data in real-time. 

Improved reporting with KPI tiles 

We’ve listened to you, and we’ve found new ways to deliver the key data you need to oversee daily operations and keep on track towards the strategic goals of your organisation. 
With KPI tiles, your :Recruit dashboard now reflects metrics like new application count, offered roles, and contracts pending, to name a few. 

Customise your dashboard metrics  

You have the opportunity to track these metrics against your own targets. Shape them to suit your organisation’s goals and keep your finger on the pulse as your progress towards them. 
Simply select the KPI tiles that reflect your goals and display them on your dashboard for easy, instant access. Consider the dashboard a snapshot of your position: snappy metrics empower you to adapt to change and make decisions based on the needs of your organisation at a particular time.
Scout Talent Dashboard Metrics Product Update
Above, a snapshot of what the new KPI tiles could look like for you! New applications, pending approvals, click rates, and candidates ready for onboard are just some of the insights you get instant access to with the new product update.

Dashboard metrics benefit individuals and teams 

We understand that the data a particular stakeholder needs changes depending on your business model. Whether you operate at an individual recruiter level or a team level, customise your dashboard metrics to set targets and track progress. 
As a leader, you can choose which KPIs are most important for you and your team and set activity ranges to identify whether you are below target, exceeding, or on track overall. 

Influenced by your feedback 

We wanted to create a tool that works the way you want it to. That’s why we collaborated with our clients to develop ways to present the data you need most practically and engagingly. Their feedback, based on real-world operations, informs our ongoing evolution of the data setlist.

What’s coming next? 

The :Recruit dashboard metrics update launched with a selection of nine KPI tiles, and we’re going to iterate and grow that data setlist in line with your needs. Our goal is to create a library of metrics that you can switch in and out at an individual and team level to help drive your deliverables and achieve your business goals. 
Visualisation is a powerful tool that affords our users a high-level view of their position. No more digging around for data! Now, our software delivers everything you need in an appealing and accessible format. It’s time to graduate from purely operational data and start looking at the bigger picture.
If we’ve piqued your interest in the benefits of real-time dashboard metrics and what they can do for your organisation, chat to your Scout Talent product specialist, give us a call on 1300 366 573 or at