Why technology trumps paper-based recruitment in aged care
2 minutes | Posted 05 August, 2019


Due to our ever-growing aging population and increased demand, aged care is one of Australia’s fastest growing sectors. Due to this increase, more aged care facilities are making the switch from paper-based recruitment to recruitment technology to ease the burden of managing many applications and recruiting for multiple roles. 

Here are three reasons why your organisation should move from paper-based recruitment to technology.

More growth means more vacancies and applications

With our population living longer thanks to many factors, more people are in need of support in their elderly years. Whether this is a simple need for a support worker to provide company and support to overcome loneliness or full-time care in a nursing home, you’ll no doubt need to hire more people to handle the increasing workload. More people are being encouraged to enter the industry and gain qualifications to begin their careers, so one vacancy can produce hundreds of applications, which can be difficult and time consuming to handle.

A good Candidate Management System (CMS) assists you in handling all of these applications, screening each one and finding the best within the pool with efficiency and ease. Quickly search, screen, rate and communicate with candidates in a central, easy-to-use location. A CMS is crucial in effective recruitment. 

Time and cost-efficient candidate care

If you receive more than fifty applications for one role, at least forty-nine people won’t make the cut. Ghosting candidates, that is, not providing candidates with an unsuccessful notification or any feedback, leaves candidates with negative feelings towards your brand. At the same time, getting in touch with all candidates via phone or individual emails can be time consuming.

While time is always an issue, contacting candidates is far better than leaving them in the dark. Not to mention, it reduces unwanted follow-up phone calls and emails. 

Using technology in your recruitment processes makes candidate care a cinch. You can automatically send candidates who are unsuited to your role a tailored, branded email thanking them for their interest and notifying them that they have been unsuccessful. This enables you to focus on your top-rated candidates and ensure that everyone who expressed interest in your role has a positive brand experience.

Improved Onboarding

So, you’ve found the ideal candidate and have offered them the role. Congratulations! However, they aren’t ready for their first day. Their uniform hasn’t been ordered, they haven’t handed in their contract, you don’t have all their relevant medical and payroll information and you haven’t got copies of their relevant qualifications. There is still a lot to do before they can even begin work!

With the right technology, you can onboard your candidate with ease. You can obtain key payroll information, have them electronically accept their job offer and sign their contract and get all the other personal details to ensure your organisation is ready for them to begin. Not only will this save you valuable time, it will also ensure your new hire hits the ground running and feels welcomed, valued and confident they have joined an organised, professional workplace. 

The best recruitment technology providers share your recruitment goals, acting as your talent acquisition partner, not just a system provider. To discuss moving from paper-based recruitment to technology solutions, call us on 07 3330 2595 and speak to our friendly team for more information and to organise a no-obligation demonstration.