5 Questions to ask when exploring software providers 
2 minutes | Posted 20 April, 2020

Looking at changing or obtaining new software? Our Product Manager James shares 5 questions to ask software providers so you can feel confident in making the right decision. 
When considering new software providers in any area of your business, it’s important to understand how their product aligns with your needs, their product roadmap and release schedule. Ask the following: 

  1. What is your product roadmap and where is this product going to be in the next 6-12 months? 
  2. Is this product going to help me now? If not completely, will it in the short term?
  3. What is the vision and what problems will the software solve? (Look for roadmap items that link directly to solving those problems.) 
  4. What are my options for feedback?
  5. What does your release schedule look like? (Some companies will have longer release cycles than others. So if you don’t see a feature, but it’s “coming soon”, it’s good to find out rough timelines).

James Keele

James Keele is the Product Manager for Scout Talent. He has a background in IT and Software Product Management specialising in the B2B space for the past 3+ years. James’ role is to manage Scout Talent’s product roadmap and software development, aligning them with the overall Scout Talent strategic vision. He is passionate about user experience, automation and the creative process of development.