Discover what Service enabled Software can do for you


Scout Talent knows that used in isolation, even the best software won’t achieve your goals. Recruitment is about people and to do it effectively, you need a great strategy and impeccable execution.

In order for you to be able to achieve this, Scout is offering you an $1800 recruitment credit whenever you sign up for our :Recruit or :Essentials Software Modules. This credit is valid for use towards your first recruitment campaign or within the first 3 months after sign-up.

We are aware that Service enabled Software (SeS) is a new concept to many HR professionals and business owners so we are now giving you the chance to experience the services side with no risk.

Whether you need help attracting candidates, shortlisting candidates or improving your candidate experience, Scout Talent’s Service enabled Software has you covered.

Use your $1800 credit towards any one of the following 4 options:

Option 1: Revamp your advertising strategy to attract the RIGHT candidate

When you sign up for a 12-month contract of any Scout Talent Software, we will help you to establish and attract your ideal candidate whenever you are ready to recruit your next role.

In-depth Job Analysis Call

Before we begin to work with you to find your ideal candidate, we first need to fully understand what that ideal candidate looks like for you via an in-depth Job Analysis call. This call will delve into what truly makes your organization different and establish how we can make you stand out as an employer of choice.

Core Recruitment Service

Our internal Recruitment Marketing Specialists will take the information you provided us and use it to craft you a customized recruitment web page that is tailored specifically to your organization, your brand and the role in question.

Job Postings and Placement

Our Recruitment Marketing team will create a custom advertising strategy and deploy it across 5 to 7 working days. This will allow you the time to review the candidates you’re receiving and allow us to tweak the strategy if we are not attracting the exact quality of candidates that you were expecting.

Option 2: Have our Shortlisting and Selection Specialists help you to find the RIGHT candidate

Are you attracting enough top talent to your open job roles but struggling to manage the shortlisting and selection process? Take back your time and allow our Shortlisting and Selection Specialists to present you with your top candidates instead.

Rating and Ranking

Our Shortlisting and Selection Specialists will use your selection criteria to rate and rank your candidates in your brand new applicant tracking system. Each candidate will be assigned a percentage rating based on their answers to the online screening questions and their resume

Video Interviews

Your 3 Top-rated candidates will be invited forward to complete a video interview with our Shortlisting and Selection Specialist. Our Specialist will behaviourally interview your candidates, drilling into key competencies and gaining an understanding of their skills, experience, communication and fit for your organization.

Behavioural Testing and Reference Checks

Behavioural testing will be conducted on your top candidate. Our behavioural testing will give insight into your candidate’s temperament and work style preferences. Reference and background checks will also be conducted on your preferred candidate as required.

Option 3: Get a taste for our full Recruitment Service package with a mini-campaign
Core Recruitment Service

Our internal copywriting and recruitment marketing experts will take the information you provided us from an initial Job Analysis Call and use it to craft you a customized recruitment web page that is tailored specifically to your organization, your brand and the role in question.

Job Postings and Placement

Our Recruitment Marketing team will create a custom advertising strategy and deploy it across 5 to 7 working days. This will allow you the time to review the candidates you’re receiving and allow us to tweak the strategy if we are not attracting the exact quality of candidates that you were expecting.

Rating and Ranking

Our Shortlisting and Selection Specialists will use your selection criteria to rate and rank your candidates in your brand new applicant tracking system. Each candidate will be assigned a percentage rating based on their answers to the online screening questions and their resume.

Option 4: Revamp your candidate experience with professional copywriting and screening questions help

When you sign up for a 12-month Scout Essentials contract, our in-house experts will help you to upgrade your current recruitment processes, free of charge, so that you can hit the ground running on your next recruitment campaign.

Personalized Branded Recruitment Web Page

Our in-house designers will create a personalized branded recruitment web page for you based on your organization’s current branding and their wealth of experience designing web pages that attract the best talent. Please click here for a recent example.

Professional Copywriting Services for 3 Job Templates

Our internal copywriting and recruitment marketing experts will take the information you provided us from an initial Discovery Call and use it to write 3 customized recruitment web pages that can be used for upcoming roles or roles that you recruit for regularly.

Professional Shortlisting Automation Services For up to 3 Job Templates

Our recruitment automation specialists will help you to get your screening questions and automation set up and working in a way that is specific for your needs. Saving you hours of time and money by ensuring that you won’t have to trawl through unwanted resumes ever again.

What other organizations are saying
Brock Roadhouse, HR Superintendent, Pretivm

“Scout Talent has been a fantastic tool to support our high volume recruitment for our project. The team has provided us with an extended team to streamline our recruitment efforts and ensure our overall success. We greatly appreciate the relationship we have and look forward to their continued support in the years to come.”

Fernando De Melo, CEO, Pacific Safety

“Recruiting for a small business is costly and time-consuming. I was reluctant at first to use the service because of a poor experience I had with other recruiters. The team at Scout Talent has been great. In the last 12 months, they helped us gain clarity on our hiring practices, re-design our hiring process, streamline the process and helped us keep up with our growth.”

Adrianna Bakker, HR Business Partner, Smart Simple Software

“We had some of the best candidates come through our campaign with Scout Talent. The level of quality you get with them is truly invaluable. Our candidates were continuously looked after, and when it came to choosing which candidates to bring in to meet, it was so easy to narrow down the best by viewing their video interviews. I highly recommend Scout Talent.”

Ready to get started?

Fill out the form to the right and we will get you set up for a free no-obligation demonstration.

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